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    Lone Star Flight Museum

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    Lone Star Flight Museum

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 29 36 15.84 N 95 10 28.62 W
    Anderson-Greenwood AND-51A, c/n 5, c/r N3904K -
    Beech H18, c/n BA-670, c/r N954 {2} -
    Beecraft Honey Bee, c/n 2, c/r N8697R -
    Cessna O-1A Bird Dog, s/n 11101 JGSDF, c/n 21714, c/r N5073Y -
    Cessna T-41B Mescalero, s/n 67-15132 US, c/n R172-0133, c/r N15138 -
    de Havilland Tiger Moth II, s/n T7467 RAF, c/r N9714 -
    Douglas AD-4NA Skyraider, s/n 126822 FAGab, c/n 7682, c/r N91945 -
    Douglas DC-3A, c/n 02213, c/r N25673 -
    Fairchild PT-19A Cornell, s/n 42-20182 USAAC, c/n T41-1184, c/r N1941N -
    Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat, s/n 12260 USN, c/n 5920, c/r N12260 -
    Grumman C-1A Trader, s/n 146052 USN, c/r N81193 -
    Grumman-General Motors TBM-3E Avenger, s/n 53575 USN, c/n 3637, c/r N6447C -
    Lockheed-Howard 250, s/n 30149 USN, c/n 2178, c/r N177L -
    Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon, s/n 37634 USN, c/r N6655D -
    Luscombe 8F Silvaire, c/n 6691, c/r N478TF -
    Mikoyan Gurevich-WSK-Mielec Lim-6bis, s/n 528 SPRP, c/n 1J 05-28, c/r N17HQ -
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21UM Mongol-B (NATO), s/n 1071 CEF, c/n 516921071, c/r N21EV -
    Mooney M-18C, c/n 353, c/r N4188 -
    Mooney M20R Ovation, c/n 29-0001, c/r N20XR -
    North American B-25J Mitchell, s/n 44-86734 USAAF, c/n 108-47488, c/r N333RW -
    North American SNJ-6 Texan, s/n 112316 USN, c/n 121-43279, c/r N147FG -
    North American SNJ-5 Texan, s/n 85053 USN, c/n 88-17274, c/r N566TX -
    Northrop-Douglas A-24B-15-DT Banshee, s/n BID 2529 FAMe, c/n 17521, c/r N93RW -
    Piper PA-39 Twin Comanche C/R, c/n 39-10, c/r N3322G -
    Sikorsky S-76A Utility, c/n 76-0035, c/r N778P -
    Stearman-Boeing N2S-3 Kaydet, s/n 07718 USN, c/n 75-7322, c/r N84LK -
    Stearman-Boeing N2S-5 Kaydet, s/n 38490 USN, c/n 75-8111, c/r N75272 -
    Stinson L-5 Sentinel, s/n 42-98798 USAAF, c/n 76-0039, c/r N68MH -
    Taylorcraft-Piper L-4J Grasshopper, s/n 45-4900 USAAF, c/n 13640, c/r N5985V -
    Taylorcraft-Piper O-59A Grasshopper, s/n 42-36464 USAAF, c/n 8588, c/r N798CP -
    Vans RV-4, c/n 9801, c/r N389BB -
    Vought F4U-5 Corsair, s/n 0389 ARA, c/r N43RW -
    Vultee SNV-2 Valiant, s/n 44126 USN, c/n 79-1421, c/r N441SN -
    B These airframe(s) were once based, stored or displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Boeing-Lockheed-Vega B-17G-105-VE Fortress, s/n 44-85718 USAAF, c/n 8627, c/r N900RW - - Edit (1) ,
    Folland Gnat T.1, s/n XR991 RAF, c/n FL585, c/r N5RD - - Edit (1) ,
    Grumman F6F-5N Hellcat, s/n 94204 USN, c/r N4998V - - Edit (1) ,
    North American P-51D-25-NA Mustang, s/n 404 FAS, c/n 122-39917, c/r N4151D - - Edit (1) ,
    Republic P-47D-40-RA Thunderbolt, s/n 490368/6 FAV, c/n 5513, c/r N4747P - - Edit (1) ,
    Supermarine Spitfire XVI, s/n TE392 RAF, c/r N14TS - - Edit (1) ,

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