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    New Delhi


    Indian Air Force Museum

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 28 34 28.75 N 77 06 57.62 E
    B 28 34 29.09 N 77 06 57.73 E
    Fairchild C-119G Flying Boxcar, s/n IK450 IAF, c/n 11262 -
    C 28 34 28.68 N 77 06 58.31 E
    Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze (PZL Mielec) TS-11bis DF Iskra, s/n W1757 {2} IAF, c/n 3H 19-16 -
    D 28 34 28.41 N 77 06 58.64 E
    Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze (PZL Mielec) TS-11bis DF Iskra, s/n W1758 {2} IAF, c/n 3H 19-08 -
    E 28 34 28.04 N 77 06 58.26 E
    Tupolev Tu-124K, s/n V644 IAF, c/n 6351903 -
    F 28 34 27.85 N 77 06 58.99 E
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-27UPG Bahadur, s/n TU591 IAF -
    G 28 34 27.79 N 77 06 59.26 E
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-23MF Flogger-B (NATO), s/n SK-434 IAF, c/n 0390214010 -
    H 28 34 27.87 N 77 06 57.23 E
    Antonov An-12A, s/n BL727 IAF, c/n 2401205 -
    I 28 34 27.21 N 77 06 57.85 E
    J 28 34 27.14 N 77 06 58.68 E
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-25R Foxbat-B (NATO), s/n KP-355 IAF -
    K 28 34 25.21 N 77 07 01.45 E
    B-24J 44-44213 HE-924
    Consolidated B-24J Liberator, s/n HE-924 IAF -
    L 28 34 25.61 N 77 07 01.71 E
    3: ??? x3
    M 28 34 25.95 N 77 07 02.33 E
    English Electric Canberra B.1, s/n IF907 IAF, c/n 71548 -
    N 28 34 26.16 N 77 07 03.12 E
    Mil Mi-4, s/n BZ900 IAF -
    O Main display hanagar
    Dassault MD-450 Ouragan, s/n IC554 IAF, c/n 245 -
    Dassault Mystere IVA, s/n IA1329 IAF, c/n 401 -
    de Havilland Vampire NF.54, s/n ID606 IAF, c/n 13085 -
    de Havilland Vampire FB.52, s/n IB799 IAF -
    de Havilland Tiger Moth II, s/n HU-512 IAF, c/n 85778, c/r VT-DPK -
    Folland-HAL Ajeet, s/n E2016 IAF -
    Hawker Hunter FGA.56A, s/n BA263 IAF -
    Hawker Hurricane IIB, s/n Z7059 IAF, c/n CCF/41H/4026 -
    Hawker Tempest II, s/n HA623 IAF -
    Hindustan HPT-32, s/n X3236 IAF -
    Hindustan HT-2, s/n IX732 IAF -
    Hindustan HT-2, s/n IX737 IAF -
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21FL, s/n C499 IAF, c/n 77... -
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21bis, s/n C2216 IAF -
    North American-Noorduyn Harvard IIB, s/n HT291 IAF, c/n 14A-0927, c/r G-CGYM -
    Percival Prentice T.1, s/n IV336 IAF, c/n IV336 -
    Sukhoi Su-7BMK, s/n B888 IAF -
    Supermarine Spitfire VII, s/n NH631 IAF, c/n 6S-326987 -
    Supermarine Spitfire XVIIIe, s/n HS986 IAF, c/n 6S-643887 -
    Westland Lysander IIIA, s/n 1589 RCAF -
    Westland Wapiti, s/n K813 IAF -
    P 28 34 26.02 N 77 07 02.74 E
    Sikorsky S-55C, s/n IZ1590 IAF, c/n 55-1077 -
    Q 28 34 28.34 N 77 07 01.77 E
    Folland Gnat F.1, s/n IE1059 IAF, c/n FL.7, c/r G-39-3 -
    R Douglas C-47-DL -
    Folland Gnat F.1, s/n E265 IAF -
    Your Assistance is needed!: These airframe(s) may be displayed here. Can you confirm? If so are any kept in view from a public vantage point? If so from where exactly?
    S These airframe(s) were once based, stored or displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    North American-Noorduyn Harvard IIB, s/n HT291 IAF, c/n 14A-0927, c/r G-CGYM - - Edit (1) ,

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