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    Also if you visit and photograph aircraft after learning about them using the Locator please tell others about where you learned about the displayed aircraft. Links to each Aerial Visuals page are provided at the bottom of the pages. These links can easily be pasted into emails and blogs.
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    Europe, Belgium, Region Wallonne
    City Location Name Dossier Description Help Tools
    1: Meteor
    This one is displayed at the top of the citadel, well above the town.

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    Forum Link: [URL=,Rng=5,Units=kms#TheResults][IMG]/home/users/web/b1393/nf.aerialvisuals/public_html/AV/Support/Logo_20x20.jpg[/IMG]Aerial Visuals Locator Search - Around 50 15 39.39 N 04 54 53.50 E[/URL]
    Direct Link:,Rng=5,Units=kms#TheResults

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