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    North America


    United States




    Dallas - Fort Worth


    Frontiers of Flight Museum

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 32 50 36.28 N 96 50 05.89 W
    Bell UH-1H Iroquois, s/n 66-16977 USAF, c/n 9171 -
    B 32 50 35.35 N 96 50 06.31 W
    General Dynamics F-16/79 Fighting Falcon, s/n 75-0752 USAF, c/n 62-2 -
    Grumman EA-6B Prowler, s/n 162228 USMC, c/n P-114 -
    C 32 50 35.39 N 96 50 06.91 W
    Airframes at this site with dossiers...
    Boeing 737-3H4, c/n 22940, c/r N300SW -
    Other airframes reported at this site...
    1: ???
    D 32 50 34.38 N 96 50 08.12 W
    Swiss American Aviation Corporation-Lear Jet Industries 24D Learjet, c/n 24D-281, c/r N281FP -
    E 32 50 31.21 N 96 50 05.91 W
    Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star, s/n 56-1767 USAF, c/n 580-1117 -
    F 32 50 30.85 N 96 50 06.55 W
    Republic GF-105D Thunderchief, s/n 62-4346 USAF, c/n D545 -
    G 32 50 31.78 N 96 50 09.32 W
    1: ???
    H 32 50 33.33 N 96 50 06.81 W
    Airframes at this site with dossiers...
    Beech UC-43D Traveler, s/n 42-61093 USAAF, c/n 0198, c/r N57829 -
    Bell TH-1L Iroquois, s/n 157838 USN, c/n 6433, c/r N7UW -
    Bell TH-13T-BF Sioux, s/n 67-17059 US, c/n 3766, c/r N595 -
    Boeing 737-2H4, c/n 23108, c/r N102SW -
    Bucker Bu-133S Jungmeister, c/n 222, c/r N21KL -
    Christen Eagle II, c/n DENTON GIVENS 1, c/r N113PV -
    Dart Aircraft Model G, c/n GC-64, c/r N4HM -
    de Havilland Tiger Moth II, s/n DE664 RAF, c/n 85605, c/r N82AK -
    General Dynamics F-111F, s/n 70-2412 USAF -
    LearAvia Learfan 2100, c/n E003, c/r N21LF -
    Ling-Temco-Vought XQM-93A, s/n 72-1287 USAF, c/n 003, c/r N5592S -
    Meyers Little Toot, c/n JDM-3, c/r N217J -
    North American T-6G Texan, s/n 114429 ALA, c/n 182-116, c/r N729AM -
    Northrop T-38A-45-NO Talon, s/n 62-3645 USAF, c/n N.5350 -
    Piper PA-20 -
    Pitts S-2B Special, c/n 5207, c/r N56FC -
    Ryan PT-22 Recruit, s/n 41-20922 USAAF, c/n 2131, c/r N46745 -
    Sopwith Pup, c/n NCH1, c/r N914W -
    Texas Aero Corporation Sportsman, c/n 107R, c/r N987N -
    Thorp T-18 Tiger, c/n 772, c/r N2WW -
    Vought A-7B-3-CV Corsair II, s/n 154502 USN, c/n B-142 -
    Vought F-8A Crusader, s/n 141348 USN -
    Vought RF-8G Crusader, s/n 146882 USN -
    Vought V-173 Flying Pancake, s/n 02978 USN -
    Other airframes reported at this site...
    20+: D-21, 737 (nose), Glasfugel BS-1, LTV L-450, Quicksilver MXL, Meyers, PA-18, PA-22, Sopwith Camel (replica), Temple 1928, Whitman Tailwind, Wright FlyerD-21, 737 (nose), Glasfugel BS-1, LTV L-450, Quicksilver MXL, Meyers, PA-18, PA-22, Sopwith Camel (r...
    Airframes not on-site...
    North American SNJ-5 Texan, s/n 85053 USN, c/n 88-17274, c/r N566TX - - Edit (1) ,
    I These airframes were once in the collection but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Engineering and Research Corporation XPQ-13, s/n 41-25196 USAAF, c/n 0110, c/r N37143 - - Edit (1) ,
    North American F-86L Sabre, s/n 52-4239 USAF, c/n 190-642, c/r N5169W - - Edit (1) ,

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