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Aerial Visuals welcomes your contribution of a new dossier to the Airframe Dossier database.The first step is to sign-in.
When you sign-in you will be returned to the Airframe Dossier you were previously viewing.
I am signing in for the first time. How do I sign in?
Just enter your email address and provide a password of your choice. Be sure to remember your password for the next time you sign in.
I have forgotten my password, how do I sign in?
Enter your email address, select I Forgot my Password and click the sign-in button. Your password will be emailed to you.
I have a new email address now. What do I do?
If you have a new email address sign in with your old email address and later click the Lancaster sign in icon in the top left corner of any page to allow you to sign in and update your profile including your email address.