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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Douglas B-18/B-22/C-58/DB Bolo / Digby
    Latest Model:RB-18A Bolo
    Last Military Serial:39-0025 USAAF
    Construction Number:2673
    Last Civil Registration:N62477
    Compressed ID:Douglas RB-18A sn 39-0025 USAAF cn...
    Latest Owner or Location:Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry Field (formerly Lowry AFB), Denver, Colorado

    If you can add to the history or would like to submit a correction please use the editor to do so.

    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

    The Airframes Database depends on user contributions to stay current.
    If you have any news about this airframe or photos which you would like to share please do so
    by using the links above.
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    Constructed as a B-18A.


    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Corps with s/n 39-0025.

    20 June 1941

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Force with s/n 39-0025.

    22 October 1942

    Redesignated as RB-18A.

    Served as light transport and bombardier trainer at several air fields.

    3 November 1944

    To Reconstruction Finance Corporation McKellar, TN.

    Circa 1945

    Assigned civil registration: NC62477
    Unknown Dealer purchased aircraft from RFC.

    January 1946

    Ferry flight.
    To Jackson, TN.


    To John P. Stedman, OK keeping c/r NC62477.

    From March 1946 to 1948

    To Great Plains Airways, Tulsa, OK keeping c/r NC62477.
    Total time on airframe 311 hrs. Installed cargo door and fitted out for freight hauling.

    September 1948

    To Aero Exploration Co, Tulsa, OK with new c/r N62477.
    Used for oil exploration survey work with magnetometer.

    May 1951

    To Leo J. Demers, Salem, OR keeping c/r N62477.
    Converted to agricultural sprayer.

    February 1956

    To Stevenson Co, Spenard, AK keeping c/r N62477.

    July 1956

    Ferry flight.
    Salem, OR, to Spenard, AK.


    Modifications made for cargo operations on rough gravel strips, bomb bay doors reskinned over.

    October 1958

    To Roger Stedman, Miami, FL.

    October 1958

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Fuerza Aeerea Revolucionara.

    November 1958

    In Miami, FL, impounded for gun running.

    15 January 1959

    To Steadman Roger, Miami, FL with new c/r N62477.

    December 1960

    Returned to USA.

    3 January 1961

    To F. Daniel Bennett keeping c/r N62477.

    After January 1961

    To United States Air Force Museum, Patterson Field (East Side), Dayton, OH.
    View the Location Dossier

    Markings Applied: 390025, USAAC

    17 October 1970

    Transported by ground. Delivered to National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright Field, Dayton, OH.
    Towed to the new museum facility at Wright Field.
    View the Location Dossier

    29 February 1972

    Photographer: Glenn Chatfield
    Notes: At the USAF Museum

    10 July 1972

    Civil registration, N62477, cancelled.

    21 May 1973

    Photographer: Peter Nicholson
    Notes: RB-18A Bolo as displayed at the USAF Museum in the summer of 1973.

    21 May 1973

    Photographer: Peter Nicholson
    Notes: RB-18A Bolo as displayed at the USAF Museum in the summer of 1973.

    14 January 1977

    To unknown owner with c/r N62477.
    Sale reported to a new owner in Oklahoma City, OK.

    To National Museum of the United States Air Force Loan Program, Wright Field, Dayton, OH.
    View the Location Dossier


    Loaned to Cannon AFB, NM.


    Transported by air.
    Airfreighted by C-5A to Cannon, AFB.

    Markings Applied: 39-522
    Marked with false s/n.

    4 October 1982

    Photographer: Paul Thallon
    Notes: 1982 photo at Cannon AFB - of a Douglas B-18A Bolo

    9 August 1986

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Cannon AFB, NM.

    By August 1988

    Loaned to Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry Field (formerly Lowry AFB), Denver, CO.
    View the Location Dossier

    29 August 1988

    Transported by air.
    Airfreighted by C-5A to Lowry AFB.

    Restored to static display.

    24 February 2011

    Photographer: John Meneely

    24 February 2011

    Photographer: John Meneely

    July 2014

    Photographer: Gustavo Bonilla

    December 2016

    Photographer: Mark Kennedy
    Notes: B-18 Bolo 39-0025 at Wings Over The Rockies Museum, Lowery Field, Denver, Co. Dec. 2016.

    10 August 2019

    Photographer: Max Sabin

    28 August 2023

    Photographer: Max Sabin

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    Airbus, Boeing, Convair and Douglas Production List
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    National Museum of the United States Air Force
    United States Military Services Serial Number Lists by Joe Baugher
    Warbird Registry by Scott Rose
    Warbirds Directory, 6th Edition (2013) by Geoff Goodall

    Individual Contributors
    Glenn Chatfield

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