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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Douglas BT2D/AD/A-1 Skyraider
    Latest Model:XBT2D-1 Skyraider
    Last Military Serial:09102 USN
    Construction Number:1930
    Compressed ID:Douglas XBT2D-1 sn 09102 USN cn 193...
    Latest Owner or Location:Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, New York, New York

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    Constructed as a XBT2D-1 by Douglas at El Segundo, California, USA.
    This is actually an XBT2D-1 Skyraider and is one of the protypes. Of note is the open main wheel wells (No doors) and the non-production type of intake shape in front of windscreen.

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Navy with BuNo 09102.

    By March 1980

    Brian Tucker comments (14 February 2021): By March 1980 I strongly believe this airframe was found at Terminal Effects Research and Analysis TERA (now the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center division of New Mexico Tech) in late 1979 / early 1980 by Brian Tucker and Michael Schien, students at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Mike contacted his father in the Virginia Civil Air Patrol who contacted a friend, who contacted a friend, etc.

    By May 1980

    Transported by ground.
    Transferred to the east coast for restoration.

    To Aviation Historical Park, NAS Oceana (Main Gate), Virginia Beach, VA.
    View the Location Dossier

    By September 1990

    Markings Applied: 500, USS FORESTAL NAVY VA 176, 09102, AE, 00
    In markings of VA-176, USS Forrestal.

    22 September 1990

    Photographer: Robert Nichols

    Markings Applied: 501, NAVY VA-15, A-1 109102, AJ 09102
    Note the BuNo is incorrectly marked. Of Note: The aircraft at the Air Park in NAS Oceana seem to repainted somewhat regularly. They change markings every so many years. Many of the aircraft there have 2 different sets of markings, each side of the aircraft representing a different sqadron.

    17 October 2009

    Photographer: Robert Abbott

    17 October 2009

    Photographer: Robert Abbott

    To Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, New York, NY.
    View the Location Dossier

    Markings Applied: 109102, AJ, 501
    Finished in the markings of VA-15.

    18 April 2015

    Photographer: Daniel L. Berek
    Notes: In 2014, this rare aircraft, a prototype and the oldest Skyraider, was brought to the U.S.S. Intrepid Air Sea Space Museum from the NAS Oceana Aviation Heritage Park.

    13 September 2018

    Photographer: Jim Leslie
    Notes: I photographed this aircraft aboard the USS Intrepid on 13 Sept 2018 when it was about to be painted. I thought it might be painted all blue per its early days but it appears that it was painted silver. Looks great and I am glad it was saved.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    U.S. Demobbed by Horrex, Ray, Boulanger, Dunn, McGhee and Wood

    Individual Contributors
    Robert Abbott
    Robert Nichols
    Brian Tucker

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