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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Ryan ST / PT-16 / PT-20 / PT-21 / PT-22 Recruit / PT-23 / PT-25
    Latest Model:STM-2
    Last Military Serial:A50-11 RAAF
    Construction Number:0459
    Last Civil Registration:VH-AWG
    Compressed ID:Ryan STM-2 sn A50-11 RAAF cn 0459 c...
    Latest Owner or Location:Linklow Pty. Ltd, Brighton, VIC

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    Constructed as a STM-2.
    Built at San Diego, California by Ryan Aeronautical Co. STM-2 to the order of Netherlands Navy/Marine Luchtvaart Dienst

    22 January 1941

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Netherlands Navy with s/n S-23.
    Shipped to Netherlands East Indies ex Los Angeles on MS Java, arrived Sourabaya 22.1.41.

    February 1942

    All available MLD Ryans were prepared for shipment to Australia ahead of the Japanese advance through Netherlands East Indies.

    From June 1942 to 5 April 1945

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Royal Australian Air Force with s/n A50-11.

    Stored at Belmont Common airfield, Geelong - awaiting certificate of airworthiness.

    28 April 1949

    To Brown (and) Dureau Pty Ltd, Melbourne Vic with new c/r VH-AGD.

    4 May 1949

    To Newcastle Aero Club, Broadmeadow NSW keeping c/r VH-AGD.


    To Francis W. O Brien, Ballarat Vic keeping c/r VH-AGD.

    23 October 1957

    To Donald E. Bowd, Melbourne Vic keeping c/r VH-AGD.

    13 June 1961

    To Laurie N. Smith, Merbein, Vic keeping c/r VH-AGD.

    15 October 1967

    At gliding strip near Mildura, Victoria - When engine failed shortly after takeoff, the pilot turned to land across the field but failed to arrest descent and the aircraft contact the ground heavily, skidded and nosed over. The power loss was caused by failure of the inlet valve retaining collets.

    15 October 1967

    Civil registration, VH-AGD, cancelled.

    Circa 1974

    To Ian B. Baillie, Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne, Vic.

    Circa 1974

    Wreck acquired - Stored at Baillies house as a long-term rebuild project, repairs commenced.

    April 1995

    To Graham Hosking, Tyabb Vic.

    From 1997 to 2000

    Under restoration at Tyabb Aerodrome, Victoria for Hosking. Airframe work by brothers John and Charles Govers, Menasco engine overhaul by Borg Sorenson.

    17 May 2000

    To Graham Hosking/Windtoy Pty Ltd, Tyabb Vic with new c/r VH-AWG.
    Operated with markings: S-23

    17 February 2006

    To Windtoy Pty Ltd, MT Eliza, VIC keeping c/r VH-AWG.

    11 February 2016

    Photographer: Danny Tanner
    Notes: At Tyabb Airport, Victoria

    17 January 2020

    To Linklow Pty. Ltd, Brighton, VIC keeping c/r VH-AWG.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    Australian Government, Civil Aviation Safety Authority
    Aviation History Site by Geoff Goodall

    Individual Contributors
    Terry Fletcher

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