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    Dallas - Fort Worth

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    If you are traveling in the United States, Aerial Visuals suggests you carry with you a copy of
    'U.S. Military Out of Service' by Andy Marden,
    a book which documents military aircraft survivors in the U.S.A..
    Visit Aviation Retail Direct to obtain a copy.

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 32 45 57.37 N 97 25 14.74 W
    Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A- 8-MC (Lot 5) Hornet, s/n 161712 USMC, c/n 59 -
    B 32 45 59.01 N 97 25 13.63 W
    Sikorsky UH-34D Seahorse, s/n 148764 USMC, c/n 58-1315 -
    C 32 45 58.48 N 97 25 11.79 W
    Grumman F-14A-70-GR Tomcat, s/n 158999 USN, c/n 060 -
    D 32 46 13.68 N 97 25 10.91 W
    Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star, s/n 47-1392 USAAF, c/n 080-2078 -
    E 32 46 15.04 N 97 25 11.01 W
    North American F-86L Sabre, s/n 53-1030 USAF, c/n 201-474 -
    F 32 46 24.87 N 97 25 26.27 W
    Douglas A-4M Skyhawk, s/n 159789 USN -
    G 32 46 37.04 N 97 25 24.15 W
    General Dynamics F-16N Fighting Falcon, s/n 163569 USN, c/n 3M-14 -
    H 32 46 37.66 N 97 25 24.77 W
    McDonnell F-4D-32-MC Phantom II, s/n 66-8714 USAF, c/n 2491 -
    I 32 46 37.67 N 97 25 23.92 W
    Republic F-105D-15-RE Thunderchief, s/n 61-0100 USAF, c/n D295 -
    J 32 46 14.27 N 97 25 58.29 W
    Only the fuselage survives. It is used as a training aid.
    Lockheed KC-130F Hercules, s/n 148892 USMC, c/n 3606 -
    K 32 46 28.87 N 97 25 19.95 W
    Former location of F-4E 67-0375
    L 32 45 52.13 N 97 25 17.69 W
    Former location of F/A-18A Hornet 162440
    M Douglas DC-9-32CF, s/n 163036 USN, c/n 47041, c/r N59T -
    Your Assistance is needed!: These airframe(s) may be stored here. Can you confirm? If so are any kept in view from a public vantage point? If so from where exactly?
    N These airframes were once displayed or stored here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Bell UH-1 Iroquois, s/n 66-0932 US, c/n 5415 - - Edit (1) ,
    Bell OH-58C Kiowa, s/n 70-15469 US, c/n 41020 - - Edit (1) ,
    Boeing KC-97L Stratofreighter, s/n 53-0283 USAF, c/n 17065 - - Edit (1) ,
    Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk, s/n 158073 USN, c/n 14110 - - Edit (1) ,
    Douglas A-4M Skyhawk, s/n 158430 USN, c/n 14252 - - Edit (1) ,
    Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star, s/n 56-1767 USAF, c/n 580-1117 - - Edit (1) ,
    McDonnell F-4C-24-MC Phantom II, s/n 64-0825 USAF, c/n 1162 - - Edit (1) ,
    McDonnell F-4E-36-MC Phantom II, s/n 67-0375 USAF, c/n 3264 - - Edit (1) ,
    Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A-15-MC (Lot 7) Hornet, s/n 162440 USN, c/n 285 - - Edit (1) ,

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    Forum Link: [URL=,Serial=3764][IMG]/home/users/web/b1393/nf.aerialvisuals/public_html/AV/Support/Logo_20x20.jpg[/IMG]Aerial Visuals - Location Dossier - Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas[/URL]
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