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    Dallas - Fort Worth


    Vintage Flying Museum

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 32 48 40.45 N 97 21 21.99 W
    These are the airframes displayed or stored outside.
    Beech E18S, c/n BA-018, c/r N7BS -
    Lockheed T-33A-5-LO, s/n 58-0546 USAF, c/n 580-1595 or 580-1515, c/r N93224 -
    B 32 48 44.48 N 97 21 22.41 W
    These are the airframes are dislayed inside.
    Aeronca 65TF Chief, c/n 5680T, c/r N31484 -
    Beech D18S, c/n A-0361, c/r N197L -
    Bell-Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. UH-1H Iroquois, s/n 67-17792 USAF -
    Douglas-On Mark Engineering A-26A Counter Invader, s/n 64-17679 USAF, c/n 27477, c/r N4988N -
    Piaggio P.136L-1, c/n 216, c/r N40025 -
    Ryan PT-22 Recruit, s/n 41-15654 USAF, c/n 1683, c/r N48748 -
    Stearman-Boeing PT-27 Kaydet, s/n 42-15687 USAAF, c/n 75-3876, c/r N450HS -
    Stinson L-5E Sentinel, s/n 44-17925 USAAF, c/n 76-3199, c/r N1135V -
    Stinson Reliant I, s/n FB745 RAF, c/n 77-0473, c/r N5490N -
    C 32 48 42.87 N 97 21 24.35 W
    Beech E18S, c/n BA-031, c/r N13JC -
    Cessna U-3A Blue Canoe, s/n 58-2132 US, c/r N6747 -
    Douglas EA-3B Skywarrior, s/n 146453 USN, c/n 12405 -
    Douglas C-47A-80-DL, s/n 43-15255 USAAF, c/n 19721, c/r N19721 -
    Piasecki CH-21B Work Horse, s/n 53-4324 US, c/n B74 -
    Your Assistance is needed!: These airframes may also be in the collection. Can you confirm? Please share any information you can with Aerial Visuals.
    D These airframes are stored off-site.
    Airframes not on-site...
    North American F-86F-30-NA Sabre, s/n 656 FABo, c/r N86NA - - Edit (1) ,
    E This site represents airframes which were once in the collection or displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Beech TC-45G Expeditor, s/n 04725 USN, c/n 1052, c/r N3761 - - Edit (1) ,
    Boeing JB-17G Fortress, s/n 44-8543 USAF, c/n 7943, c/r N3701G {2} - - Edit (1) ,
    Consolidated B-24A Liberator, s/n AM927 RAF, c/n 0018, c/r N24927 - - Edit (1) ,
    Douglas C-47A-75-DL, s/n 42-100903 USAAF, c/n 19366, c/r N141JR - - Edit (1) ,
    Lockheed T-33A-1-LO, s/n 53-5215 USAF, c/n 580-8554, c/r N8361 - - Edit (1) ,
    Lockheed-Canadair CT-133 Silver Star, s/n 133165 CAF, c/n T33-165, c/r N165KK - - Edit (1) ,
    McDonnell QF-4S Phantom II, s/n 153821 USN, c/n 2135 - - Edit (1) ,
    North American VB-25N Mitchell, s/n 44-30823 USAF, c/n 108-34086, c/r N1042B - - Edit (1) ,
    North American Harvard III, s/n NZ1079 RNZAF, c/n 88-15611, c/r N101NZ - - Edit (1) ,
    North American Rockwell OV-10A Bronco, s/n 155426 USMC, c/n 305-037, c/r N97LM {2} - - Edit (1) ,
    North American Rockwell YOV-10A Bronco, s/n 68-3825 USAF, c/n 321-151, c/r N646 - - Edit (1) ,
    Northrop F-5E Tiger II, s/n 741558 USN, c/n R.1218 - - Edit (1) ,
    Sikorsky CH-53A Sea Stallion, s/n 153715 USMC, c/n 65.101 - - Edit (1) ,
    F 32 48 33.03 N 97 21 22.35 W
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