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    Lexington Park


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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 38 16 06.73 N 76 26 56.95 W
    Inside Gate 2, but can be viewed from the outside. For obvious reasons photography is not recommended.
    Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A- 6-MC (Lot 4) Hornet, s/n 161367 USN, c/n 35 -
    B 38 16 13.03 N 76 26 28.53 W
    Outside Building 2165 on Fortin Circle just near Gate 2.
    Grumman F-14 Tomcat, s/n 162595 USN -
    C 38 16 12.66 N 76 26 24.31 W
    This is the Aviation Survival Training Center.
    Bell-Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. UH-1H Iroquois, s/n 65-9722 USAF -
    North American T-2C Buckeye, s/n 158326 USN -
    D 38 16 40.75 N 76 25 54.49 W
    Base flying club area?
    3: ???
    E 38 16 49.53 N 76 25 46.64 W
    Belongs to the museum. Displayed near the Aero Club hangar.
    Lockheed NP-3D Orion, c/n 5001 -
    F 38 17 24.48 N 76 25 30.73 W
    Bell AH-1 Cobra, s/n 67-15645 US, c/n 20309 -
    G 38 17 27.01 N 76 25 31.05 W
    Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk, s/n 158106 USN, c/n 14143 -
    H 38 16 20.25 N 76 24 09.25 W
    Strike Test Facility, Standley Rd
    Grumman NF-14A Tomcat, s/n 159455 USN -
    I 38 16 26.01 N 76 24 13.14 W
    Airframes not on-site...
    Grumman A-6 Intruder, s/n 159568 USN - - Edit (1) ,
    J 38 17 04.28 N 76 26 12.96 W
    1: T-2
    K 38 16 08.19 N 76 24 07.57 W
    Strike Test area, pole by VX-23 hangar 201
    North American A-5A-5-NH Vigilante, s/n 146697 USN, c/n 247-6 -
    L 38 15 48.74 N 76 26 01.68 W
    1: F-18?
    M 38 15 42.04 N 76 26 02.56 W
    Is the helo at this location SH-60B 162976?
    Sikorsky SH-60B Seahawk, s/n 162976 USN -
    N 38 15 39.38 N 76 26 01.98 W
    Grumman EA-6A Intruder, s/n 149935 USN -
    O Grumman EA-6B-60-GR ICAP I Prowler, s/n 159909 USN, c/n P-56 -
    Hughes TH-6B Cayuse, s/n 652967 -
    Hughes TH-6B Cayuse, s/n 696040 -
    Hughes TH-6B Cayuse, s/n 696044 -
    Hughes TH-6B Cayuse, s/n 696061 -
    Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18E Lot 18 Super Hornet, s/n 165164 USN, c/n 1285/E001 -
    Sikorsky MH-53E Sea Dragon, s/n 162509 USN, c/n 65-521 -
    Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion, s/n 161536 USN -
    Sikorsky SH-60B Seahawk, s/n 162337 -
    P Bell OH-58C Kiowa, s/n 696189 USN -
    Q Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18E Lot 18 Super Hornet, s/n 165165 USN, c/n 1293/E002 -
    Northrop Grumman RQ-4B Global Hawk, s/n 04-2016 USAF -
    R Lockheed NP-3D Orion, s/n 148883 USN -
    North American T-2C Buckeye, s/n 158328 USN -
    Northrop T-38A Talon, s/n 623625 USN -
    Your Assistance is needed!: These airframe(s) may be displayed here. Can you confirm? If so are any kept in view from a public vantage point? If so from where exactly?
    S These airframes were once stored to displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Grumman F-14A Tomcat, s/n 159828 USN - - Edit (1) ,
    Northrop-McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A- 2-MC Hornet, s/n 160779 USN, c/n 5 - - Edit (1) ,

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