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    Milestones of Flight Air Museum


    Reports in late 2015 that the Museum has closed down and the aircraft will be auctioned off - Please check before visiting

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 34 44 28.93 N 118 12 20.41 W
    This is the main museum.
    Airframes at this site with dossiers...
    Aeronca L-16 Grasshopper, c/n 7BCM-380, c/r N4009B -
    Focke Wulf Fw-190A-3 (replica), c/r N7334W -
    Globe GC-1A Swift, c/n 0316, c/r N90302 -
    Hawker Hunter F.51, s/n E-403 RDAF, c/n 41H-680262, c/r N72602 -
    North American-Ryan Navion B, c/n NAV-4-2093, c/r N5193K -
    North American Yale W/T, s/n 3361 RCAF, c/n 64-2183, c/r N3361 -
    Other airframes reported at this site...
    1: Navion
    B 34 44 31.14 N 118 12 18.64 W
    Fairchild C-119F Flying Boxcar, s/n 48-0322 USAF, c/n 10304, c/r N13745 -
    C 34 44 32.71 N 118 12 19.12 W
    Armstrong Whitworth Argosy C.1, s/n XP447 RAF, c/n 6779, c/r N1430Z -
    D 34 44 32.68 N 118 12 22.36 W
    Boeing C-97G Stratofreighter, s/n 53-0272 USAF, c/n 17054 -
    E These airframes were once in the collection or displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Boeing KC-97L Stratofreighter, s/n 53-0243 USAF, c/n 17025 - - Edit (1) ,
    Convair TF-102A-5-CO Delta Dagger, s/n 54-1353 USAF, c/n 8-12-3 - - Edit (1) ,
    Fieseler-Morane-Saulnier MS-505 Criquet, s/n 605 ALA, c/n 605, c/r N41FS - - Edit (1) ,
    North American-Ryan Navion A, c/n NAV-4-2039, c/r N5139K - - Edit (1) ,
    Pietenpol Air Camper, c/n 001 {2}, c/r N22EZ - - Edit (1) ,
    SkyStar XL Kitfox, c/n HCX012, c/r N31LP - - Edit (1) ,
    F These airframes left the collection/location after the museum closed.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Great Lakes 2T-1A Sports Trainer, c/n 0249, c/r N11336 - - Edit (1) ,
    Great Lakes 2T-1A-2 Sports Trainer, c/n 0702, c/r N5603L - - Edit (1) ,
    North American B-25C Mitchell, s/n 41-13251 USAAF - - Edit (1) ,
    Sikorsky H-19D-SI Chickasaw, s/n 55-4943 US, c/n 55-0995, c/r N95489 - - Edit (1) ,
    Sikorsky UH-34J Seabat, s/n 143937 USN, c/n 58-0707, c/r N85128 - - Edit (1) ,

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