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    United Kingdom


    England, Warwickshire / Warks


    West Midlands


    Midland Air Museum

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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 52 22 27.89 N 01 28 40.05 W
    1: DH-100
    B 52 22 27.94 N 01 28 40.67 W
    McDonnell F-4C-15-MC Phantom II, s/n 63-7414 USAF, c/n 0339 -
    C 52 22 27.86 N 01 28 41.74 W
    de Havilland Dove 2, c/n 04022, c/r G-ALCU -
    D 52 22 27.86 N 01 28 42.29 W
    Percival P-40 Prentice, s/n VS623 RAF, c/n PAC/238, c/r G-AOKZ -
    E 52 22 27.84 N 01 28 43.13 W
    Lockheed T-33A-1-LO, s/n 17473 FAFL, c/n 580-7367 -
    F 52 22 27.42 N 01 28 43.91 W
    de Havilland Canada U-6A Beaver, s/n 58-2062 US, c/n 1394, c/r N94TP {2} -
    G 52 22 27.33 N 01 28 41.94 W
    Vickers-Viscount 708 Viscount, c/n 35, c/r F-BGNR -
    H 52 22 27.31 N 01 28 43.19 W
    North American F-100D Super Sabre, s/n 54-2174 ALA, c/n 223-54 -
    I 52 22 27.09 N 01 28 44.46 W
    English Electric-British Aircraft Corporation Lightning F.6, s/n XR771 RAF, c/n 95236 -
    J 52 22 26.96 N 01 28 45.41 W
    Dassault Mystere IVA, s/n 70 ALA, c/n 70 -
    K 52 22 26.89 N 01 28 43.02 W
    McDonnell F-101F-81-MC Voodoo, s/n 56-0312 USAF, c/n 408 -
    L 52 22 26.65 N 01 28 44.07 W
    M 52 22 26.49 N 01 28 45.31 W
    N 52 22 25.78 N 01 28 46.14 W
    O 52 22 25.67 N 01 28 46.79 W
    Gloster Meteor NF.14, s/n WS838 RAF -
    P 52 22 26.77 N 01 28 48.75 W
    Avro Vulcan B.2, s/n XL360 RAF -
    Q 52 22 25.81 N 01 28 49.31 W
    Boulton Paul P.111, s/n VT935 RAF -
    R 52 22 25.62 N 01 28 48.44 W
    Armstrong Whitworth AW-650 Argosy, c/n 6652, c/r G-APRL -
    S 52 22 26.15 N 01 28 48.22 W
    Sikorsky-Westland WS-55-Series 3 Whirlwind, c/n WA.298, c/r G-APWN -
    T 52 22 24.78 N 01 28 47.95 W
    Gloster Javelin FAW.5, s/n XA699 RAF -
    U 52 22 25.89 N 01 28 47.73 W
    de Havilland DH-125-1, c/n 25002, c/r G-ARYB -
    V 52 22 24.56 N 01 28 47.37 W
    Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6, s/n WV797 RN, c/n 6058 -
    W 52 22 24.95 N 01 28 46.91 W
    Hawker-Armstrong Whitworth Hunter F.6A, s/n XF382 RAF, c/n S4/U/3282 -
    X 52 22 25.04 N 01 28 46.19 W
    de Havilland Sea Vixen FAW.2, s/n XN685 RN, c/n 110093 -
    Y 52 22 25.31 N 01 28 45.27 W
    1: P-51?
    Z 52 22 25.64 N 01 28 44.55 W
    Lockheed-Canadair F-104G Starfighter, s/n R-756 RDAF, c/n 683-6101 -
    AA 52 22 25.88 N 01 28 44.02 W
    Mil Mi-24D Hind-D (NATO), s/n 06 red VVS, c/n 353246405029 -
    AB 52 22 25.96 N 01 28 43.59 W
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21SPS-K Fishbed-F (NATO), s/n 959 NVA, c/n 94A6503 -
    AC 52 22 26.09 N 01 28 43.07 W
    North American F-86A Sabre, s/n 48-0242 USAF -
    AD 52 22 26.32 N 01 28 42.51 W
    McDonnell F-4C-21-MC Phantom II, s/n 63-7699 USAF, c/n 0839 -
    AE 52 22 26.84 N 01 28 40.76 W
    Hawker Siddeley-BAE Sea Harrier FA.2, s/n ZE694 RN, c/n B53/P28 -
    AF 52 22 26.52 N 01 28 41.68 W
    Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze (PZL Mielec) TS-11bis A Iskra, s/n 408 SPRP, c/n 1H 04-08 -
    AG 52 22 26.92 N 01 28 39.71 W
    These airframes are thought to be displayed in the main museum.
    Airframes at this site with dossiers...
    Beagle B.206C-1, s/n 8449M AM, c/n B.009, c/r G-ASWJ -
    Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B, s/n XX899 RAF, c/n B3-04-75 -
    Bleriot XI (replica), c/n BAPC.9 -
    de Havilland Vampire I, s/n VF301 RAF -
    de Havilland DH-100 Vampire, s/n XD626 RAF, c/n T.115367 -
    de Havilland DH-100 Vampire, s/n XE855 RAF, c/n T.115595 -
    de Havilland DH-104, c/n 04277, c/r G-ALVD -
    de Havilland Canada U-6A Beaver, s/n 58-2062 US, c/n 1394, c/r N94TP {2} -
    Druine D.31 Turbulent, s/n 126 BAPC -
    Druine D.31 Turbulent, c/n BAPC.126 -
    English Electric Canberra T.17A, s/n WH646 RAF, c/n 71118 -
    English Electric Canberra PR.3, s/n WF922 RAF -
    English Electric Lightning F.53, s/n 55-713 RSaAF, c/n 95275, c/r G-27-72 -
    Fairey Gannet T.2, s/n XA508 RN, c/n F9328 -
    Fairey Ultra-Light Helicopter, c/n F.9428, c/r G-APJJ -
    Flettner Fl-282 Kolibri, c/n 280020 -
    Folland Gnat F.1, s/n XK741 RAF -
    Gloster Meteor F.4, s/n EE531 RAF -
    Gloster Meteor F.8, s/n VZ477 RAF -
    Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star, s/n 51-4419 USAF, c/n 580-5714 -
    McDonnell F-101B-85-MC Voodoo, s/n 57-0270 USAF, c/n 448 -
    Mignet HM-14 Pou-du-Ciel, c/n EMAC.1, c/r G-AEGV -
    North American-Canadair F-86E(M) Sabre, s/n 23140 RCAF -
    Saunders-Roe (Saro)-Westland Scout AH.1, s/n XR635 AAC, c/n F9535 -
    Slingsby Grasshopper TX.1, s/n XK789 RAF, c/n 1035 -
    Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB) J29F Tunnan, s/n Fv29640 SweAF, c/n 29640 -
    Other airframes reported at this site...
    1: B-57, HS-125, J-29, Anson, Cadet TX, Hurricane, Pixie III, Tom Thumb, Vortex 120, Humber Monoplane, Sopwith Pup, Wheeler SlymphB-57, HS-125, J-29, Anson, Cadet TX, Hurricane, Pixie III, Tom Thumb, Vortex 120, Humber Monoplane, ...
    AH These airframe(s) were once based, stored or displayed here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Hawker Hunter F.51, s/n E-425 RDAF, c/n 41H-680284 - - Edit (1) ,

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