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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: North American A-36 / P-51/F-51 Mustang / P-48 Enforcer
    Latest Model:CA-18-Mk 22 Mustang
    Last Military Serial:A68-187 RAAF
    Construction Number:1512
    Last Civil Registration:N50FS
    Compressed ID:Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation C...
    Latest Owner or Location:Lewis Fighter Fleet Llc, San Antonio, TX

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    Constructed as a CA-18-Mk 22 by Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation.

    13 October 1950

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Royal Australian Air Force with s/n A68-187.

    From 5 November 1956 to By 1958

    Assigned to RAAF Tocumwal, NSW for storage.

    22 April 1958

    Struck off Strength/Charge from the Royal Australian Air Force.

    From 23 April 1958 to By 1960

    To A. J. R. Titus Oates, Sydney, NSW.

    From 1960 to By 1962

    To Adastra Aerial Surveys/Sepal Pty Ltd, Sydney-Mascot, NSW.

    From By 1961 to By 1963

    Originally planned for use as a high altitude photographic survey platform, but the certification efforts were abandoned and instead was placed in storage at Mascot.

    14 March 1962

    To Sepal Pty Ltd, Sydney with new c/r VH-AGJ {1}.
    Registration reserved by Sepal, but not taken up.

    From 1962 to By 1967

    To Fawcett Aviation, Sydney-Bankstown NSW.

    From By 1963 to By 1967

    Placed in open storage at Bankstown.

    From 1967 to By 1969

    To Chieftain Aviation Pty Ltd, Bankstown, NSW.

    July 1967

    Photographer: Geoff Goodall
    Notes: Fawcett Aviation at Bankstown Airport, Sydney had DCA approval to operate Mustangs strictly as target tugs and for other military contracts. One of their spare aircraft was CA-18 Mk.22 PR version A68-187, seen at Bankstown in July 1967. This was later temporarily fitted with a RR Dart turboprop before sale to USA where it today flies as a Reno air racer.

    Mounted on a pole, at the Bankstown Airport, and use as an advertising display.

    By 1969

    To F. Hockey Treloar, Sydney, NSW with new c/r VH-FHT.
    Registration reserved.

    By 1971

    Restored at Bankstown with a Rolls Royce Dart 510 installed.

    From By 1972 to By 1977

    To Canberra ACT.
    Completed the turbine conversion.

    March 1973

    Civil registration VH-UFO reserved but not taken up.
    Registration reserved.

    29 July 1977

    Photographer: Danny Tanner
    Notes: At Canberra

    Ground run but not flown. Withdrawn from use and placed in open storage at Canberra.


    Photographer: Arthur Scarf
    Notes: Circa 1982 photo at Canberra ATC, Australia

    From By 1990 to By 1995

    Placed in storage at Toowoomba, QLD.


    Transported by ship.
    Moved to the USA.

    August 1995

    To World Jet Inc, Fort Lauderdale, FL with new c/r N919WJ.

    August 1995

    To Frank Borman, Las Cruces, NM.

    By 1996

    Civil registration N151SU reserved but not taken up.

    From December 1996 to By 2005

    To Picacho Aviation/Frank Borman, Las Cruces, NM with new c/r N50FS.

    Markings Applied: Su Su II, 474839, TF-839
    Restored at Chino, CA as a TF-51D using parts from 44-74859.

    16 December 1996

    First post-restoration Flight.
    Flown at Chino.

    10 March 1999

    To unknown owner.
    Sale reported to a new owner in Xxx, OK.

    8 April 1999

    Photographer: David Leininger
    Notes: Photographed at the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends at Kissimmee, FL.

    28 October 1999

    To Picacho Aviation Llc, Fairacres, NM keeping c/r N50FS.

    5 September 2006

    To Lewis Aeronautical Llc/Rod Lewis, San Antonio, TX keeping c/r N50FS.

    Markings Applied: LA PISTOLERA, TF-839, 474839

    28 September 2007

    Photographer: Mike Henniger

    28 September 2007

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photo taken at the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends in Columbus, OH.

    28 September 2007

    Photographer: John Yates
    Notes: At Rickenbacker International Airport

    30 September 2007

    Photographer: Mike Henniger

    To Lewis Air Legends/Rod Lewis, Lewis Ranch Airport, San Antonio, TX.
    View the Location Dossier

    8 November 2010

    To Lewis Fighter Fleet Llc, San Antonio, TX keeping c/r N50FS.

    13 June 2016

    To Lewis Fighter Fleet Llc, San Antonio, TX keeping c/r N50FS.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    Warbirds Directory, 5th Edition by Geoff Goodall

    Internet Sources
    Aerial Visuals - The Locator by Mike Henniger, Senior Editor
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    United States Military Services Serial Number Lists by Joe Baugher

    Individual Contributors
    Terry Fletcher

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