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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Lockheed L-10 Electra
    Latest Model:L-10A Electra
    Construction Number:1026
    Last Civil Registration:N38BB
    Compressed ID:Lockheed L-10A cn 1026 cr N38BB
    Latest Owner or Location:Oakland Aviation Museum, Metropolitan Oakland International Airport / North Field, Oakland, California

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    Constructed as a L-10A.


    To Braniff Airlines with new c/r NC14937.

    To unknown owner with c/r NC241.

    To unknown owner with c/r NC756.

    To unknown owner with c/r N756.

    Jim Martin comments (15 March 2022): In looking up the date I had to do with this Lockheed 10A I have run across your site. I smiled to see that it still exists somewhere. Heres my connection with it. I was drafted into the Army in April 1963 just 3 days after I passed my Private Check ride. Going through Basic at Ft. Leonard Wood MO about half way through I had a weekend leave (all of noon Sat through 1800 Sunday). Since I was from a Chicago burb I bought a ticket for a little relief. I told Mr. A.E.Glore that I had just gotten that License to which he responded something to the effect great you sit up front with me and you can do some of the chores. Well of course he took off but once we headed up toward St. Louis(and after I had mopped up the water coming in around the leaky windshield - it was raining some) he said here, now you can keep it on this heading at this alt. doing so we eventually (2:10) wound up at MDW. He could not contact the tower so he told me to keep it at this alt. and do 360s around the airport. I did so as he went back to the radio rack and twisted it is nose or something making it work. After landing and taxiing to an FBO and before I left to be with my folks he said to bring my Log book along for the trip back. Dinner at home, slept in my bed, and returned to MDW Sunday for the return trip which he again took off and I flew it back to Ft. Wood. Yes he put 4:50 Dual x-C in my log book. While circling over MDW and Glore back at the radios I looked back at the other guys and saw them looking at me through eyes about the size of golf balls as they did not know me. I was a fun trip and eased basic a bunch. This 82 year old with only about 850 hours does not fly PIC anymore but worked for Wisc. Aeronautics for 20 years and have volunteered at AirVenture for 42 years to date. Yes I still stop and look up when one of those gravity defying machines goes by - big or little. If I get out near where 46V is I will stop by.

    January 1964

    To Skyway Aviation Inc, Fort Leonard Wood with new c/r N4846V.

    By 19 July 1965

    To Naples Airlines with new c/r N38PB.

    19 July 1965

    Involved in an incident.
    Summarized NTSB narrative from report number NYC66F0099: There were no fatalities. Incident occurred at 07:15 hours. The damage was substantial. Incident occurred at the Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA. Ground looped or water swerved during the landing rollout.
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    Circa May 1968

    Photographer: Larry Johnson Collection
    Notes: In MIA.

    16 March 1999

    To Robert I. Vanderpool, Red Devil, AK with new c/r N38BB.

    Photographer: William T Larkins
    Notes: Lockheed 10 being lifted over the fence at Oakland Airport so it could be brought to the Western Aerospace Museum (now the Oakland Aviation Museum) where it is now on exhibit.

    23 February 2005

    To unknown owner with c/r N38BB.
    Registration pending to a new owner in Anchorage, AK.

    27 October 2010

    Photographer: Rich Tregear
    Notes: 2010 photo at Oakland Aviation Museum

    15 March 2011

    To Patterson Frederick W III, American Canyon, CA keeping c/r N38BB.

    Based at Oakland Aviation Museum, Metropolitan Oakland International Airport/North Field, Oakland, CA.
    View the Location Dossier

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    National Transportation Safety Board

    Individual Contributors
    Terry Fletcher
    Jim Martin

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