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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
    Latest Model:TB-25N Mitchell
    Last Military Serial:44-86777 USAF
    Construction Number:108-37571
    Last Civil Registration:N345BG
    Compressed ID:NA TB-25N sn 44-86777 USAF cn 108-3...
    Latest Owner or Location:Liberty Aviation Museum, Port Clinton, OH

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    Constructed as a B-25J-30-NC by North American at Kansas City, Kansas, USA.

    2 July 1945

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Force with s/n 44-86777.

    July 1945

    Transferred to Yuma Army Air Field, AZ.


    Transferred to Mather Army Air Field, CA.


    Redesignated as TB-25J.

    18 September 1947

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Air Force with s/n 44-86777.

    February 1950

    Transferred to Ellington AFB, TX.


    Converted to a TB-25N.
    Converted by Hayes Aircraft Corp.


    Transferred to Goodfellow AFB, TX.

    From December 1958 to By 1958

    Assigned to Davis Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ for storage.
    Withdrawn from use and placed in open storage at Davis Monthan.

    January 1959

    To Fike Plumbing, Inc, Phoenix, AZ with new c/r N9167Z.

    4 March 1960

    Certificate of airworthiness for N9167Z (TB-25N, 44-86777) issued.

    By 1969

    To James E. Landon, Phoenix, AZ keeping c/r N9167Z.

    From By 1970 to By 1970

    To Crosby Enterprises Inc/Allan R. Crosby and Richard T. Crosby, Wauwatosa, WI keeping c/r N9167Z.

    Markings Applied: 486777, BD-777, The Devil Made Me Do It

    31 July 1979

    Photographer: Paul Thallon
    Notes: 1979 photo at Oshkosh WI of a North American B-25 Mitchell

    31 July 1979

    Photographer: Paul Thallon
    Notes: 1979 photo at Oshkosh WI - of a North American TB-25N Mitchell

    5 September 1980

    Photographer: Glenn Chatfield
    Notes: At Aurora, IL

    14 February 1985

    To unknown owner with c/r N9167Z.

    From 1987 to By 1987

    To Tom Reilly Vintage Aircraft Inc, Kissimmee, FL keeping c/r N9167Z.

    Restored at Kissimmee with the installation of a glasshouse nose.

    From June 1988 to By 1988

    To Mid South Lumber Co, /Ed Stringfellow, Cropwell, AL keeping c/r N9167Z.

    Markings Applied: Martha Jean

    From November 1992 to By 1992

    To Executive Aviation, Cincinnati, OH keeping c/r N9167Z.

    From March 1993 to By 1993

    Assigned civil registration: N345BG

    From 22 April 1997 to By 1997

    To Lost, the Forties Aviation/Bud Firth, Baton Rouge, LA keeping c/r N345BG.


    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Chino Airport, CA

    24 January 2000

    To Blue Yonder Inc/David Wheaton, Tulsa, OK keeping c/r N345BG.

    January 2000

    Ferry flight.
    Moved from Baton Rouge, LA to Chino, CA.

    Markings Applied: 86777, MSLC Martha Jean
    Restored at Chino.

    June 2000

    Ferry flight.
    Delivered from Chino, CA, to the Tulsa-Riverside Airport, OK.

    Based at Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Municipal Airport, Tulsa, OK.
    View the Location Dossier

    1 January 2004

    Certificate of airworthiness for NL345BG (TB-25N, 44-86777) issued.

    7 July 2007

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: This photo was taken at the Thunder Over Michigan air show.

    By 2007

    Markings Applied: Martha Jean, BD-777, 486777
    Flown with modified markings.

    Placed up for sale via Courtesy Aircraft Sales.

    6 October 2010

    To unknown owner.
    Registration pending to a new owner in Tulsa, OK.

    28 October 2010

    To B25 Mitchell Inc, Tulsa, OK keeping c/r N345BG.

    9 March 2011

    To unknown owner.
    Registration pending to a new owner in Shaker Heights, OH.

    27 April 2011

    To Liberty Aviation Museum, Shaker Heights, OH keeping c/r N345BG.

    Based at Liberty Aviation Museum, Erie-Ottawa Regional Airport, Port Clinton, OH.
    View the Location Dossier

    Markings Applied: Georgies Gal

    25 July 2012

    Photographer: Todd Royer

    4 August 2012

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at Thunder Over Michigan at the historic Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

    4 August 2012

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at Thunder Over Michigan at the historic Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

    4 August 2012

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at Thunder Over Michigan at the historic Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

    12 July 2013

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Geneseo Airshow, Geneseo NY

    28 January 2014

    To Liberty Aviation Museum, Port Clinton, OH keeping c/r N345BG.

    At Cleveland Ohio.

    17 April 2017

    Photographer: Glenn Chatfield
    Notes: At Wright Field, WPAFB, OH -- National Museum of the USAF. Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Doolittle raid

    29 July 2017

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: at 2017 EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    U.S. Military Out of Service 2010 by Andy Marden
    Warbirds Directory, 5th Edition by Geoff Goodall

    Internet Sources
    Aerial Visuals - The Locator by Mike Henniger, Senior Editor
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    Scramble of the Dutch Aviation Society
    The B-25 History Project

    Individual Contributors
    Glenn Chatfield
    Terry Fletcher
    Mike Henniger

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