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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Republic F-105
    Latest Model:GF-105D Thunderchief
    Last Military Serial:62-4318 USAF
    Construction Number:D517
    Compressed ID:Republic GF-105D sn 62-4318 USAF cn...
    Latest Owner or Location:Fairview Park, Centralia, Illinois

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    Constructed as a F-105D-31-RE by Republic at Farmindale, New York, USA.

    15 May 1963

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Air Force with s/n 62-4318.

    28 May 1963

    To 8th TFW, Itazuke AB, Japan.

    13 May 1964

    Transferred to 41st Air Division, Yokota AB, Japan.
    Transferred under Project Clearwater.

    Transferred to 6441st TFW, Yokota AB, Japan.
    Unit Redesignated.

    31 January 1966

    Base of operations changed.
    Deployed with 6441st TFW to Takhli RTAFB, Thailand for combat operations in SEA.

    8 September 1966

    Transferred to 355th TFW, Takhli RTAFB, Thailand.

    7 October 1967

    One of four F-105s that flew on Rolling Thunder mission RT56A-157 by pilots of the 357th TFS, 355th TFW. They strafed the Hoa Lac helicopter dispersal area in North Vietnam. The pilot of this mission was Maj. White.

    By November 1967

    Transferred to 357th TFS, 355th TFW, Takhli RTAFB, Thailand.

    November 1967

    In the month of November, F-105D 62-4318 flew 39 combat sorties. This was the highest number of sorties in the entire 357th TFS.

    17 August 1968

    While on a combat mission over North Vietnam, the aircraft sustained major combat damage from enemy ground fire. It was hit in the left side of the fuselage and in the gun bay area. Several stringers and bulkheads were torn off by the impact. The aircraft managed to return to Takhli for repairs.

    5 May 1969

    While on a combat mission over North Vietnam, the aircraft sustained major combat damage from enemy ground fire. It was hit by a 14.5mm round during an AGM-12C missile pass in the E sector of Southern Laos. The round entered the underside of the right intake duct and the shrapnel caused extensive damage to the inside of the duct and the engine. Repairs took 384 man hours to complete.

    By January 1970

    Markings Applied: Iron Butteryfly
    On fuselage below cockpit.

    27 October 1970

    Transferred to 23rd TFW, McConnell AFB, KS.

    From 4 November 1970 to January 1971

    Assigned to McConnell AFB, KS for storage.

    20 January 1971

    Transferred to 127th TFS, 184th TFG, Kansas ANG, McConnell AFB, KS.
    Operated with markings: KANSAS

    By October 1974

    Transferred to 184th TFTG, Kansas ANG, McConnell AFB, KS.

    11 August 1978

    Transferred to 121st TFS, 113th TFG, Washington D. C. ANG, Andrews AFB, MD.
    Operated with markings: District of Columbia

    2 November 1981

    Transferred to 466th TFS, 508th TFG, AFRES, Hill AFB, UT.
    Operated with markings: HI, AFRES

    29 November 1983

    Last flight.
    One of 24 F-105s flown in a ceremonial final mission at Hill AFB, UT. After the mission, the aircraft was one of 7 F-105s flown to Lackland AFB, TX. Retired with 6,387.1 flying hours. It is one of the longest flying THUDS ever.

    29 November 1983

    Redesignated as GF-105D.

    30 November 1983

    To Security Police Training Area (south), Kelly Field (formerly Kelly AFB), San Antonio, TX.
    View the Location Dossier

    To National Museum of the United States Air Force Loan Program, Wright Field, Dayton, OH.
    View the Location Dossier

    Loaned to City of Centralia, Centralia, IL.

    By March 2015

    Placed on display with Fairview Park, Centralia, IL.
    View the Location Dossier

    16 March 2015

    Photographer: Shawn Martin

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    F-105 Thunderchiefs: A 29-Year Illustrated Operational History by W. Howard Plunkett
    U.S. Military Out of Service 2007 by Andy Marden

    Internet Sources
    Aerial Visuals - The Locator by Mike Henniger, Senior Editor
    National Museum of the United States Air Force

    Individual Contributors
    Larry Richardson
    Max Sabin

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